NTTC Statement on Proposed EPA Standards on Truck Emissions

In response to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed federal emission standards announced on April 12, National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) President & CEO Ryan Streblow has issued the following statement:

“National Tank Truck Carriers and its members believe that it is our duty and responsibility to be good custodians of our environment. We absolutely agree with the Administration and the EPA that cleaner vehicles on America’s roads will be necessary for the health of future generations. As such, NTTC supports the exploration and implementation of obtainable timelines and scalable energy sources with the goal of improving emissions.

The tank truck industry is unique amongst surface transportation modes, particularly regarding the bulk materials onboard and high vehicle weights that are frequent characteristics. Regulations mandating the transition to cleaner truck propulsion must take those characteristics into account, and NTTC stands ready to inform and partner with the Administration to achieve realistic emissions goals. It is vital for the Administration to work with all aspects of the trucking industry, including both the manufacturers and operators of truck engines, to ensure that the supply chain and necessary infrastructure can support the aggressive goals set by the Administration. If the Administration implements these revised emissions goals without industry consideration, dire consequences for the nation’s supply chain will likely result.

NTTC will be reviewing the EPA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles - Phase 3 with its members and partners.”