NTTC Provides Support Letter to Secretary Buttigieg on Blatnik Bridge Replacement 

On November 9, 2023, The National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) has sent a letter of support to USDOT Secretary Buttigieg supporting funding for the replacement of the Blatnik Bridge.

The Blatnik Bridge is one of two bridges that connects Duluth, Minnesota to Superior, Wisconsin, carrying I-535 across the St. Louis Bay. This project will help the Blatnik Bridge structure to restore it to good structural condition, modernize the approaching interchange, and ensure the bridge’s long-term operations and safety. Many industries utilizing commercial vehicles depend on the Blatnik Bridge to deliver their goods and services to the surrounding region. As such, replacing this bridge is a top priority for both states to help facilitate the efficiency of freight movement.

In this letter, NTTC expressed that reconstruction of the Blatnik Bridge will ensure that essential, heavy commodities can cross between Minnesota and Wisconsin safer and faster than today, especially to accommodate more and heavier vehicles. The tank truck industry generates roughly 5.1% of all truck freight revenue, while that represents 30% of all truck freight in terms of tonnage due to the heavy nature of the liquid bulk products handled. A copy of the letter can be accessed by clicking here.

NTTC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan trade association representing the North American tank truck industry. NTTC's membership is comprised of over 500 companies that support or specialize in bulk transportation services by cargo tanks. NTTC members, many of which are defined as small businesses by the Small Business Administration, transport hazardous materials by surface, particularly using public roads and highways.